"KRAZY KAT" was originally a comic strip written in the 1920's and 30's by George Herriman. The cartoon features a mouse who throws bricks at a cat and a dog of the law who tries to stop them. This kaleidoscope of existential characters explore the forces of life, love, and the pursuit of bricks against the backdrop of an enchanted desert. E.E. Cummings once referred to Krazy Kat as "a meteoric, burlesque melodrama". Beau Jest translates Herriman's wacky world to the stage through a blend of dance, music, theater and physical comedy. The show is directed by Davis Robinson, and features masks and puppets designed by Libby Marcus, an original score by Don Dinicola, lighting by Shelly Sabel, costumes by Rafael Jaen, and sets by Judy Gailen.
"A joyous feat of theatrical imagination that creates a delighfully krazy kosmos."
-Boston Globe